


Articles and Press

Social Media May Help Your Job Hunt - Austin speaks to ABC's Tory Johnson about using social gaming to fill job openings.

Austin Cooke, Gild Advisor, shares thoughts on Gild's new Platform.

What Design, Hacking, and Talent Agents Can Teach HR About Recruiting - Austin Cooke joins an innovative mix of Advisory Board experts to steer talent development offerings at Gild. Gild Press Release

ERE Expo - Austin Cooke discusses employee referrals and non-employee referrals at the ERE Expo. ERE

Increase Your Company's Recruiting Staff Overnight - Austin Cooke shares how he increased Vistaprint's recruiting staff by 700 people overnight, by engaging the company’s full-time workers as recruiters. ERE

Technology: Cultivate an entrepreneurial mind-set - Austin Cooke discusses finding and cultivating the best talent in e-commerce. Boston Globe

Vistaprint Promotes Seven Executives; Announces Expanded Organizational Structure - New Organizations Designed to Position Company for Continued, Rapid Growth in North America and Europe. Cimpress Press Release

India or Bust - When tech consulting went bust, Sapient cut costs by shipping work to India. Not everything translated. Forbes

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Austin Cooke